April Member of the Month - Melissa Murphy
1. Tell us a little about yourself: what are some fun facts about you?
Fun Facts: I carried the Olympic torch in 2002 when it traveled across America to Salt Lake City for the Winter Olympics. I like cardio kickboxing, yoga, motorcycles, fishing, and cosplay. I just returned from Hawaii after seeing my best friend.
2. What types of fitness/training/exercise do you enjoy the most? Why?
My favorite training has to be yoga. I like that yoga is challenging. It is a practice and a journey.
3. Are you currently enrolled in fitness classes at the YMCA? If so, please list the classes you have taken.
I am currently enrolled in Fit 30 with Michaela Piendel. I have also had personal training classes with Michaela. I have also have attended the Pound and Zumba classes.
4. What is your favorite part of the YMCA?
I love the friendly staff and the camaraderie in my Fit 30 class.
5. What made you want to become a member of the YMCA?
I became a member at the YMCA in November after losing 50 pounds from May to October. I wanted to maintain my loss, and I am happy to report I have lost another 26 pounds thanks to the YMCA.