March Staff Member of Month - Casey Mahoney

1. Tell us a little about yourself: what are some fun facts about you? 

I live on a small farm. I like to work out. I'm currently enrolled at WVUP, and I am a former State Champion in Track & Field.

2. What types of fitness/training/exercise do you enjoy the most? Why?

Weightlifting and Strength training. It is just what I like to do.

3. Are you currently enrolled in fitness classes at the YMCA? If so, please list the classes you have taken. 

I'm enrolled in Bars Loaded.

4. What is your favorite part of the YMCA? 

I enjoy the entire facility, but I spend most of my time in the weight room.

5. What made you want to become a member of the YMCA? 

I wanted to work out during the off season while I was in high school, so naturally I came here.

Abrielle Schmitt