September Staff Member of the Month - Brailynn Custred

Brailynn has been an incredible asset to the front desk and kids zone for the last year and a half. She goes above and beyond in every aspect of her job. We are very blessed to have Brailynn on our team. Congratulations Brailynn!

1. Tell us a little about your Y-story. What made you want to come work at the YMCA? 

I wanted to come work here because of the friendly environment and the opportunities available to me here. The community here is amazing and everyone respects each other.

3. How has the YMCA impacted your life?

I have made new friends and created great core memories here with the people I work with.

4. What do you think the community needs to know about the YMCA of Parkersburg? 

The staff work hard to create a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone in the community.

5. How have you witnessed the YMCA Mission in action? 

The Y is for all ages so we try our best to create a friendly environment for everyone, including children with our awesome childcare programs.

6. What is something you are proud of from the last year? This can be personal, professional, academic etc.

My deadlift is 300 POUNDS! 

Solomia Wilson