April Staff Member of the Month - Arianna Jordan

What is your role at the YMCA? 

After-School Mentor

Tell us a little about your Y-story. What made you want to come work at the YMCA? 

I previously worked a terrible job now I have a loving and caring job.

How has the YMCA impacted your life? 

It has made me love working!

What do you think the community needs to know about the YMCA of Parkersburg?

The YMCA is filled with people who care and love their community.

How have you witnessed the YMCA mission in action?

YMCA Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. 

The YMCA hires people who share a passion for the mission.

What is something you are proud of from the last year? This can be personal, professional, academic etc. 

I graduated in September from high-school! Which was earlier than the rest of my high-school class.

Abrielle Schmitt