Feed Seniors Now: Food Drive
The YMCA of Parkersburg is participating in Comfort Keepers’ 13th Annual “Feed Seniors Now” food drive. The food collected will be distributed to local seniors in both Wood and Washington counties. Their goal this year is 5,000 pounds and $1000.
In addition to dropping food in our collection bins, participants can order food online and have it shipped to Comfort Keepers, send a check and they will shop, or donate through their Facebook page or Venmo.
Donations can be dropped off to the bin located in the YMCA of Parkersburg’s lobby until November 30th.
Canned Vegetables - (low sodium) green beans, carrots, corn, peas, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach
Juices - (unsweetened) apple, cranapple, orange, grape, tomato
Grains - farina, grits, oats, pasts, stuffing, whole grain pasta, rotini
Dairy - cheese, notfat dry milk powder, shelf stable milk
Fruits - Unsweetened applesauce, (light syrup) apricot halves, mixed fruit, peaches, pears, plums
Meats - beef, beef chili, beef stew, chicken, pink salmon, tuna, ham
Dry beans - northern, pinto
Ready-to-eat Cereals - corn flakes, corn squares, bran flakes, shredded wheat
Other - smooth peanut butter, egg noodles, soups (including “cream of” soups)
For additional information, please call (304) 485-5585 or visit our Facebook and Instagram pages.
Criss Welshans, Program Director
(304) 485-5585 ext. 223