October Staff Member of the Month - Katie Rittenhouse

Meet one of our head summer camp counselor & site supervisor for after-school, Katie Rittenhouse. Katie was nominated for her friendly and caring attitude toward the children she cares for. She is a reliable worker and the YMCA is lucky to have her!

What is your role at the YMCA? 

After-School Site Supervisor & Summer Camp Head Counselor

Tell us a little about your Y-story. What made you want to come work at the YMCA? 

I started working at the YMCA when I was in college and needed field experience hours working with children and I loved it so much I kept working after I completed my hours and even after I graduated college.

How has the YMCA impacted your life? 

I have developed amazing relationships with the children, their families, and some of my coworkers in my time at the YMCA. Going to work with the kids can fix any problem I’m dealing with in my life, seeing the kids always puts me in a good mood.

What do you think the community needs to know about the YMCA of Parkersburg. 

The YMCA of Parkersburg is full of amazing children and families that have a great impact on the community.

How have you witnessed the YMCA mission in action?

YMCA Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. 

The after-school program and summer camp are great examples of programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all the children involved. These programs also foster healthy spirit, mind, and body for the staff that are involved in creating and implementing them.

What is something you are proud of from the last year? This can be personal, professional, academic etc. 

I have lost over 40 pounds in the last year. I am proud of my dedication to bettering my health and I plan to keep going until I reach my goals.

Abrielle Schmitt