November Member of the Month - Dick Noel

Why is it important for you to be an active member at the YMCA? *

To have a place to exercise and see friends.

What is your first memory of the YMCA?*

Being given an orientation on the use of the exercise equipment by a member of the staff.

How has the YMCA impacted your life? 

Having a place to exercise has helped me to maintain my health. It has also enabled me to meet people and make some friends that make my daily visits more enjoyable.

What should this community know about the YMCA of Parkersburg? 

That it offers many opportunities to people of all ages to engage in activities that will benefit their health and enjoy the company of others while doing so.

How have you witnessed the YMCA Mission in action? 

YMCA Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. Probably through the many programs and activities that it offers to families and children of the community.

What is something you are proud of from the last year? This can be personal, professional, academic etc. 

Celebrating my 50th wedding anniversary with my wife on 8/4/23. Much to my regret, she died three weeks later on 8/25/23.

Abrielle Schmitt