July Trainer of the Month - Candy Bailey

Candy Bailey - July Trainer of the Month

The YMCA of Parkersburg's Trainer of the Month is designed to help you get to know the trainers that help make our Y community great. This month, we’re introducing Candy Bailey who is one of the Y’s excellent Cycling trainers. Let’s get to know Candy:

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself: what are some fun facts about you?

I am a full-time nurse who gets to be a Fitness Instructor which I classify as my fun job. Concerning my family life, I have been happily married for 26 years and a proud mom to 3 kids: Tyler (23), Josie (20) and Brenna (9).

I enjoy challenging myself when possible. For example, I love doing races (5k’s, 10k’s, half-marathons, and full marathons). In the last 2 years, I have started doing obstacle course races like Spartan Races and such. I love the challenge these races create. I’m not very good at them, but my goal is to continue to do them with the hope that I will eventually conquer the obstacles.

2. What fitness class(es) do you instruct?

I teach Cycling on Saturdays at 8:30 AM.

3. When and why did you become a trainer? What's your style of training?

I became interested in fitness activities when I started having children. It was then I realized the importance of becoming healthy and strong.

At that time, I took Sharon Mark's TNT classes. She taught me a lot when it came to the exercises and proper form. Eventually, she had asked me to sub her class when she needed it. Because of Sharon's encouragement, I started teaching more fitness classes at the Y. 

Since then, I have taught Step classes, Starter fit (a beginner class), and recently, cycling classes. Before I became a nurse, I taught 5 classes a week. Currently, I am a Cycling Instructor and have about 20 years of experience teaching fitness classes at the YMCA of Parkersburg.

4. Tell us a little bit about the fitness class(es) that you instruct.

I love to encourage others to get into fitness and to show them they can do anything they put their minds to. When I teach classes, I make sure that I show proper form/moves and modifications when necessary. I never want to discourage anyone from exercising. 

Some people will tell me how they can’t cycle and feel extremely intimidated by the class, yet I always tell them to come and try it out. If they start having a hard time, I encourage them to sit and spin it out. Once they feel comfortable, I then encourage them to stand and spin.

I make every effort to remind beginners that we have all been where they are. Everyone has to take it easy at one point or another. In Cycling, it's a process for everyone to build up the necessary stamina. During this process, we always encourage, never discourage, and have fun in our classes.

5. What is your most favorite part about instructing at the YMCA of Parkersburg and why?

The YMCA members have become our friends. When someone doesn’t show up, we worry. We have become a close-knit group. The YMCA just isn’t my fun job, but has become part of my family.

For more information about group fitness classes and trainers, please contact Crystal Leonard, Health & Fitness Coordinator, at 304-485-5585, ext. 213 or crystal.leonard@parkersburgymca.org.